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Folklore from all parts of the world, except the Antarctic, with a six man group that played ”world music” long before the word was born. Rythmical Balcanic, smooth Asian, funny Nordic, elegant British, orientalic Arabian, strict American and much more. The members, Bert Kolker, Kaj Magnusson, Anders Rabe, Stellan Sagvik, Göran Stark and Arnold Svensson, with guests Ulla-Carin Nyquist and Claes Wang, play more than 50 different instruments from every possible cultural spheare, excluded the Antarctic. (Please visit also the RAA home page at http://raa.just.nu) |
![]() L´Oud [ .ra 291 Kb, good mono quality ]
Listen to all GASON CDs on the air 24h at: |
THE CRITICS: DN: "..you’re never really feelin’ secure which side they’re on; order or rebellion, knights in jeans or rascals in velvet" Nynäshamnsposten: "Some doesn’t dust the folklore at all, others make it somewhat tidy. Then there’s those that fly around with the duster so the shit swirls around - and so making the music sparkle with new life - like RAA." Arbetarbladet: "You hit your head when you see the list of contents list: Swedish Peasant Songs, Ballade from Mongolia, Four-part chorus from 17th century England, juicy Finnish folklore, Arabian lute, Indians of Ecuador, from Bernstein’s ’MASS’, Hungarian folkmusic and Bartók, mating dance from garlics of Transilvania, all spiced with some dashes Incredible Stringband... How in the world does it sound? OhYeSS! Very, very good, and with humour: Joy in minor keys, gravity in major..." Eskilstunakuriren: "...all performed with great insight. An album to cherish for all folk fans - a real peak, also for those who never before used the awakened ears for folklore. RAA gives us A superb CD with versatility that dazzles!" |
1. | Träd (skottland) | 4.44 |
2. | Solbild (england) | 1.22 |
3. | Ouliastaï (mongoliet) | 2.26 |
4. | Jag lever (svensk) | 1.40 |
5. | Månkarbo-Nisse (england) | 1.25 |
6. | Den heliga staden (sverige/england) | 3.45 |
7. | Kajsas vaggsång (sverige) | 2.38 |
8. | Solbild (england) | 2.16 |
9. | Jungfrun i blå skogen (västergötland) | 5.30 |
10. | Så går det bra (holland) | 2.08 |
11. | Svart Per-Ola (skottland) | 2.46 |
12. | Uralen (ural) | 4.00 |
13. | En tallrik borsjtj (sverige) | 3.50 |
14. | Den besvikna flickan (ungern) | 1.12 |
15. | Finstämt möte i O’stemt (rumänien) | 2.10 |
16. | Flytande Holländaren (holland) | 4.00 |
17. | Spelkarlen (sverige) | 5.05 |
18. | Annas resa (sverige) | 5.03 |
19. | Kycklingskocken (england) | 2.24 |
20. | Pavanne (england) | 3.12 |
21. | Horga (sverige) | 5.25 |
22. | Gärdet (uppland) | 0.21 |
23. | Kläpp-Konrads schottis/Finska polkan (sverige) | 2.40 |
24. | Hivningstrall (bohuslän) | 0.56 |
25. | Polisvis (sverige) | 3.20 |
26. | Frivillig (usa) | 2.00 |
totalt: 76.30 |
1. |
L´oud (skottland) |
2.38 |
2. |
San Juanito (ecuador) |
2.10 |
3. |
In nomine Padre et Figlio (usa) |
2.27 |
4. |
Od Granka (makedonien) |
2.37 |
5. |
Ungersk Vinskördedans (ungern) |
2.11 |
6. |
Tamzara (turkiet) |
1.37 |
7. |
Hai Hai (finland) |
3.39 |
E. PRIVATA BAND (dåligt ljud) |
8. |
En morgon i augusti (grekland) |
3.00 |
9. |
Kassim (norge/palestina) |
3.44 |
10. |
Que dira (chile) |
2.30 |
11. |
Kelefa (gambia) |
3.40 |
12. |
Yougo (sverige) |
4.15 |
F. SJÖMANSSÅNGER från Briggen Salta Annas loggbok |
13. |
Sjöouvertyr (bohuslän) |
1.28 |
14. |
Nu seglar du din kos (korea) |
0.50 |
15. |
Hivningssång (bohuslän) |
0.45 |
16. |
Dags att ge sig av (skottland) |
1.26 |
17. |
Jan, kasta loss (england) |
1.12 |
18. |
In från oceanen (japan) |
1.27 |
19. |
Skeppsgymping (frankike/irland) |
2.40 |
20. |
Valfisken (england) |
1.06 |
21. |
Jungfruns ö (mexiko) |
2.25 |
22. |
Fest ombord (holland) |
1.13 |
23. |
Piraterna (england) |
3.35 |
24. |
Bröderna Martin (england) |
2.07 |
25. |
En lantman (sverige) |
1.22 |
26. |
Fiskarnas sång (england) |
1.40 |
27. |
Flygande holländaren (holland) |
3.23 |
28. |
Kung Neptun (kina) |
2.22 |
29. |
Sjömansgrav (japan) |
1.43 |
30. |
Submarina (japan) |
1.43 |
31. |
Trasig fiskebåt (grekland) |
1.58 |
32. |
Tornérspel (frankrike) |
2.45 |
33. |
Hav, o hav (grekland) |
2.45 |
34. |
Vi rullar hem (england) |
0.37 |
35. |
Trela (bohuslän) |
2.08 |
totalt 78.15 |
Two CDs, totaly 154.45 mins. Recorded 1975-83. Engineers: Bernt Lööf, Hasse Jansson, Gunnar Flyckt, Gunnar Csiffary, Michael Bergek, Bengt Seidler. Order CDs directly from nosag: Our Full Catalogue Check also all nosag Web Casting Stations on the air 24h at Legal Notice: All recordings made available on these pages are done so with permission from STIM (The Swedish Performance Rights Society) and NCB (Nordic Copyright Bureau). They are protected by © copyright and any unauthorized use of the present soundfiles will be prosecuted. If you have any questions in this matter please visit STIM/NCB's website or contact us. |